Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story Capítulo 300

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story Capítulo 300

#Chapter 300 A Brotherhood of Wolves 


I move quickly through the paperwork that the priestess gives us, half of my attention on Ella and Cora across the room. Rafe isn’t hungry yet I know this for sure, and I know that Ella knows too. He ate on the way here, in the car

So, what he hell is she up 


I hand the paperwork back to the priestess, who gives us a warm smile and tells me she’s looking forward to seeing us on the night of the full moon. Roger and I murmur our polite goodbyes and then we both turn our attention back to the sisters

What’s going on over there,Roger asks, watching them with his arms crossed

I take a moment to look him over. His body is tense, his brow low with worry. Why don’t you tell me?I say quietly, my voice low and a little frustrated

My brother snaps his head back to me, frowning. What?” 

Come on, Roger,I respond, shaking my head. Don’t pretend they’re not talking about you.” 

Me?!he says, aghast. What did I do?But towards the end of his sentence, his eyes flick to the floor. Guilty

What’s even going on with you two?I ask, sighing, not really wanting to have the conversation but feeling pressed to it now if it’s disrupting our plans for our child’s dedication. It’s an important day I want it to go smoothly, undisturbed by this drama

That’s Ella,Roger murmurs, shaking his head, speaking through you. You don’t actually care what’s going on between us.” 

I do care,I return, a little offended. I care, Roger. But yeahElla has brought thisissue to my attention. More than I would have noticed otherwise. She calls you twoI sigh, a little embarrassed, Codger.” 

What?he asks, confused, spinning to me. What’s Codger?” 

Your couple name,I say, sighing and pressing the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger. A mix between Cora and Rodger.” 


It was that or Rora.” 

Oh my god,he murmurs, putting his forehead in his hand and taking a deep breath. You guys talk about it enough that it has a nickname?” 

“She’s upset with you, Roger,I explain, looking again at my beautiful, sweet mate, who wants the best for both of them. I think Cora is upset. And I thought it was just Ella being Ella untiltoday. When I see that Cora really is upset. So, did you do something to her?” 

My brother sighs again and runs his hand down his face so that it’s covering his mouth as he, too, looks across the room at this incredible pair of sisters. I stopped calling her. I regret it, Dominic Ihe sighs, as if having trouble putting it into words. But it’s not easy, with her being a human. I thought it would be simpler, but it’s” 

1 nod, understanding, and put a steady hand on his back, letting him know that I’m here. You’ll figure it out,I say, hoping it’s the right thing. He nods quietly, and I can tell that he hopes I’m right

But Rodger,I say carefully. He looks up at me, a little exhausted but ready to listen. If you mess up this ceremony” 

He opens his mouth to protest, but I hold up a hand. He shuts his mouth, letting me finish

If you mess up this ceremony, Ella is going to kill both of us. Just rip us to shreds.” 

A little laugh bursts from my brother and he shakes his head, looking over at her. How is that even a threat?he breathes, wondering. She’s sotiny.” 

Tiny,I agree, but fierce. And she’s got mom strength now. So let’s justnot cross her. And do our best to make Cora feel welcome, because if Cora’s not happy then Ella’s not happy, and if Ella’s not happy” 

Roger nods slowly, lifting his hand into the air and making an explosion sound with his mouth, simultaneously opening his hand like a bomb

Exactly,I respond, nodding

We’re silent for a moment, looking over at the girls, each thinking our private thoughts. But after a moment, Roger asks a question of his own

Wait,he says, frowning at me. I start out of my reverie, looking at him. If we’re Codger,he muses, what are you?” 

Nothing,I respond, firm, looking away. We don’t need a couple name. We’re just Dominic and Ella.” 

Della,he supplies. I glare at him


My glare turns into a snarl

Sinclella!he says, starting to laugh. I just give him a shove, unable to help the smile that pulls at my lips

Shut up,I murmur

Wait, no, it has to be Éclair!” 

Oh my god,I breathe, defeated. Don’t say that to her she’ll love it, she’ll never let it go 


I’m going to tell her right now — 

Roger starts across the room, but I grab his arm, laughing

I swear to god, Roger, one word and I’m throwing you in the pool 





I frown at my sister, confused and wanting to make it all better, and then I sigh when I realize that I can’t. I guess I thought mom’s gift fixed it all,I murmur, after you gave it to the world. It was enough, I guess, to end the war to ask wolves and humans alike to stop 


fighting. But not enough to squash all of the fears and prejudices.” 

Cora nods, agreeing, looking at me again and working hard to give me a little smile. I want to be a part of your life, Ella,she says, looking down at the baby and smiling. And, of course, of baby Rafe’s. But if you could please try to remember thatI’m not as much a part of your world as you think I am, then that would be helpful.” 

You are a part of my world, Cora,” I insist, taking her hand and looking at her seriously. You’re my flesh and blood, and you’ve always been my sister, even if we didn’t know about the biological part for a long time. There’s no part of you that’s not part of my world, okay?” 

She nods, giving me a little smile

But also,I continue, still holding her gaze. I hear you. And I’ll try harder

Thanks, Ella,she says, her voice soft

I pull my sister close again for a hug, the baby fussing between us. We laugh, looking down at him, and then I nod towards the group, asking her if she wants to go back. Cora nods and, taking my hand, we return again to the wolves waiting for us

Along the way, I admit that I’m torn. Because as much as I’m glad that my sister told me what’s wrong, I admit that I feel guilty. Guilty that she feels different at all, and guilty that… 

Well, that I got so distracted in the pregnancy and the birth of my son. That I didn’t even realize that my sister felt that way. That I didn’t even realize that things were this bad, between the humans and the wolves

Sinclair and Roger are laughing and roughhousing a little, by the looks of it, as we make our way over to them. I can’t help smiling at this I like to see my mate happy and at peace. He catches my serious look, though, as I come more clearly into sight. He stops, then, looking curiously at me, quirking his head to the side. I just give him a little nod, letting him know all 

Because the two of us? The leaders of these people

We have work to do

Hey, Ella,Roger says, grinning wickedly at me. Are you hungry, do you want some breakfast? Maybe some eclairs?” 

Sinclair snaps his head to him. You’re dead.” 

Actually,I say, my eyebrows going up. Pastries sound great.” 

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: , Released: May, 20, 2023 Native Language: Spanish

Title: Sustituta accidental para el Alfa

Written by: Caroline Above Story


Después de luchar contra la infertilidad durante años y ser traicionada por su amante, Ella decide finalmente tener un bebé por su cuenta. Sin embargo, todo sale mal cuando queda inseminada con el esperma del intimidante multimillonario Dominic Sinclair. De repente, su vida da un vuelco cuando la confusión sale a la luz, ¡especialmente porque Sinclair no es cualquier multimillonario, es también un hombre lobo contendiendo por convertirse en el próximo Rey Alfa! No permitirá que cualquiera tenga a su cachorro, ¿podrá Ella convencerlo para que la deje estar en la vida de su hijo? ¿Y por qué siempre la mira como si ella fuera su próxima comida? No podría estar interesado en una humana, ¿o sí? You Can Also Read and another interesting novel


Ella "Lo siento, Ella", dice mi médico con suavidad. "Me temo que te quedan muy pocos óvulos viables. Francamente, normalmente veo estas cifras en mujeres diez o quince años mayores que tú." "¿Qué?", murmuro, sin dar crédito a lo que oigo. Llevo años intentando quedar embarazada. Sólo tengo 30 años, deberían sobrarme óvulos. "En términos de fertilidad, te queda muy poco tiempo", continúa. "Si quieres concebir, tienes que hacerlo antes de que empiece tu próximo ciclo." "¿Mi próximo ciclo?", repito, con la boca abierta por la sorpresa. Amo a los niños más que a nada y, aunque no sea la ambición de todo el mundo, no hay nada que desee más que ser madre. Tengo que llegar a casa y darle la noticia a mi novio, no hay un momento que perder. Llego a casa en un tiempo récord, entro por la puerta y abro la boca para llamar a Mike, pero me detengo en seco. Nada más entrar veo un par de zapatos de tacón y un bolso junto a la puerta, ni......

Último capítulo

Capítulo 1

Capítulo 1. Traicionar 288 Vales Ella “Lo siento, Ella”. Mi médico dice suavemente. “Me temo que te quedan muy pocos óvulos viables. Francamente, normalmente veo estos números en mujeres diez o quince años mayores que tú”. “¿Qué?” Murmuro, sin dar crédito a mis oídos. He estado tratando de quedar embarazada durante años. Solo tengo 30 años, debería quedarme muchos huevos .Read more....

Capítulo 2

Capítulo 2: Ser despedida Ella 288 (Vales Faltan seis días. Pienso, mirando fijamente la fecha marcada en mi calendario. Seis días hasta que descubra si mis sueños finalmente se harán realidad… o si tengo que pensar en un plan completamente diferente para mi vida....Read more....

Capítulo 3

288 Vales Ella Faltan tres días. Me repito estas palabras mientras camino por la calle, todavía preocupada por mi posible embarazo, incluso mientras me preparo para ir a batear por mi hermana. En cierto modo, es un mecanismo de supervivencia: estoy a punto de rogarle a Dominic Sinclair que salve el trabajo de Cora, y necesito un pensamiento reconfortante que me ayude a superar esto....Read more....

Capítulo 4

Capítulo 4 Desesperación Ella 288 Vales Me tiemblan las manos cuando marco el número de Kate. ¿Alguna vez he estado tan enojado? Si lo tengo, ciertamente no puedo recordarlo ahora: “¿Hola?” Kate responde casi de inmediato, usando un tono dulce y enfermizo que grita falsedad. “¿Kate?” digo sin rodeos. “¿Estás con Mike en este momento?” Hay una pausa embarazada al otro lado de la línea, antes de que responda débilmente, “¿Qué? Por supuesto que no.”......Read more....

Capítulo 5

Capítulo 5- Prueba de embarazo Ella “No, entiendo.” murmuro en el teléfono. “Gracias por escuchar al menos”. Cansadamente cuelgo la línea, enterrando mi cabeza en mis manos. Pasé toda la mañana pidiendo todos los favores y préstamos que pude, tirando mi dignidad por la ventana para rogar a mis amigos y conocidos en mi momento de necesidad. Nunca me había considerado una mujer orgullosa, pero mendigar de esta manera fue un desafío mayor de lo que podría haber imaginado....Read more....

Capítulo 6

Capítulo 6 Él es un hombre lobo Ella 288 Vales. – “¿Tu cachorro?” Repito, dándome cuenta de que debo sonar como un idiota por la forma en que sigo repitiéndolo, pero todo es demasiado extraño y surrealista. Siento que estoy teniendo un sueño, uno que puede o no ser una pesadilla. “¿De qué estás hablando?...Read more....

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story Read Online

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story


  1. Fadia says:

    porquè los 2 ultimos capitulos han sido en ingles!?

  2. Nadia says:

    Necesito español!

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