Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story Capítulo 159

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story Capítulo 159

Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story Chapter 159



“What do you mean, you might not take me with you?” I demand, barely processing Sinclair’s words. “We’re mated, where you go I go.”

“Baby, I don’t want to be away from you.” Sinclair sighs, sending a wave of genuine regret through our bond. This isn’t the first time he’s done this – let me feel his emotions to confirm their veracity, but this is the strongest I’ve ever experienced them. With the help of our connection, I can sense how terribly Sinclair hates the idea of leaving me behind when he travels. It’s making his wolf positively rabid with anger, worry, and sadness. Even as the emotions are filtering in, I can already see a way to use them to my advantage. If he feels this strongly, surely it won’t be too difficult to convince him to take me with him.

“The problem is that I have no idea what I’m walking into with a lot of these meetings.” Sinclair explains. “I’ve been to Vanara before, and know a few of the Alphas, but most of the packs I’m visiting are complete unknowns. I don’t know the territories or threats, I don’t know how rough the conditions will be or how well we’ll be received when we arrive.”

“How much time are we talking about?” I question, needing to get a handle on the scope of this potential separation.

“Weeks, maybe a month.” He shakes his head, and I can feel his frustration. “I’ve been trying to figure out which terrifies me more, taking you with me and putting you in danger as a result, or leaving you behind where I can’t get to you if something happens.”

“It’s definitely safer to have me with you.” I inform my mate confidently. “You’re the one who said the only time I’m truly safe is when I’m in your arms.”

Sinclair laughs warmly, squeezing me closer. “Why do I feel like you’re not the most objective opinion on this?”

“Because you’re so blinded by your love for me that you assume I’m in the same boat, but don’t worry because I am completely unbiased.” I declare, shifting to straddle his lap.

“Oh, so you aren’t blinded by your love for me?” Sinclair teases, stroking my sides.

“It’s different.” I hedge, “I’m not exactly sure how at this moment, but there’s no doubt in my mind that it is.”

“You do know that being adorable won’t make me change my mind, don’t you?” Sinclair asks gently, grazing his knuckles over my cheek.

“That makes it sound as if you’ve already decided.” I murmur, my insides tangling into knots. My wolf whimpers in my head, and before I can think about whether or not I’d shared the sound with my mate, he responds in a way that guarantees he did. He begins to purr, gathering me to his chest and tucking my head under his chin.

“I haven’t decided anything yet. I’m honestly very conflicted, Ella.” Sinclair admits. “I’m leaning towards leaving you here with Gabriel, Roger and Dad. I trust them and I trust the security here. I want you with me, I just can’t help but feeling it would be irresponsible… honestly it feels selfish, like I’m choosing my own comfort and happiness over your safety.”

“But I want to be with you too. So if it’s selfish, let’s be selfish together.” I beg. Pushing away from him, I make my eyes wide and push my lower lip out into a dramatic pout. “Please don’t leave me behind, Dominic.” I continue, trailing my hands down his chest as inspiration strikes. “My wolf won’t obey anyone else, you know I’ll just get into more trouble without you… and when I do there certainly won’t be anyone to bring me back in line.

A growl vibrates in Sinclair’s chest, so fierce the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. His hand closes over my nape a second later, applying just enough pressure to make me quiver with the instinct to submit. “I have news for you, trouble. If I do go without you, I’ll have the others keep track of all your mischief so that I can hold you accountable when I get back.”

I fight back a shiver as his authority washes over me, so I change track. “Fine, but if you’re not here then who will give me pleasure when I wake up in the middle of the night… aching for you?”

Sinclair laughs aloud, dragging my mouth to his. I gasp as our lips collide, and Sinclair takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside, tangling it with my own. Only when my mouth is red and swollen, and I’ve forgotten our conversation entirely, does he release me. He keeps our eyes level, massaging my head through my thick rose gold tresses. I loll my head into his hand, and he takes the opportunity to dip his tongue into the hollow of my throat. “When that happens you’ll call me to your dreams, and tell me exactly what you need. And then I’ll happily ravish you to my heart’s content.”

“You mean my heart’s content?” I clarify.

“No. I meant exactly what I said.” He answers with a smirk.

I laugh anddrop my head to his shoulder. “Alright, big bad wolf.” I concede, even as he continues to run his fingers through my long hair. “Just promise me you’ll think about this. We’ll both be happier together. We’ll both be less anxious. I’ll always be in your sight or reach. That’s worth a lot.”

“I’ll think about it.” Sinclair agrees. “There are a lot of advantages, I just need to make sure it’s right.”

“Thank you.” I exhale, so comfortable and cozy that I already feel as though I might doze off again. Maybe I’m being a wild optimist, but I truly think I’ve gotten through to my mate. I can feel how strongly he wants to take me with him, and I think this conversation went a long way to convincing him to trust those impulses.


The next day I go to visit some of the refugees arriving at the port. Sinclair stayed at the Palace to plan, but Henry, Roger, Cora and I set out with a contingent of Gabriel’s royal guards. The refugees are arriving in much the same way we did, cramming into small passenger planes carrying all their earthly belongings, arriving lost and depleted at the air base outside the city. Gabriel is trying to figure out where to send them all and has thus far been relying on local Vanarans who are willing to open their homes as shelter, but I’m determined to help – to find the best solutions possible for our people.

As we cross the Vanarium bridge spanning the crystalline waters of the lake, I can’t help but feel a renewed sense of awe at our stunning surroundings. However my admiration quickly fades when our cars pull up outside a group of large white tents erected to triage the incoming shifters. As I understand it, some of the refugees are arriving injured and in need of urgent medical care, others have been separated from their families, while others still are grieving the loss of their home and loved ones.

I try to brace myself for the harrowing experience ahead, only to become distracted by Cora’s incessant fidgeting beside me. It hasn’t escaped my notice that my sister is behaving very oddly today, she keeps shooting Roger wary looks, then pretending like he doesn’t exist if he returns the gesture. This morning she would fall silent or walk away if Roger came near us, and though my instincts aren’t sending up red flags about the interaction, I’d have to be blind to miss them.

So when we exit the car I sidle up to my brother-in-law, “Would you like to tell me why my sister keeps taking off like a startled hare every time you glance her way?” I mutter under my breath.

“I don’t think she’s a very big fan of mine.” He concedes.

“Why not? What did you do?” I inquire, unable to keep a note of accusation from my voice.

“Why do you assume I’m the one at fault?” Roger jokes, pretending to look affronted.

“Because I know my sister and I know you.” I snort, only partly serious. The truth is that my sister is as flawed as anyone, but I’m predisposed to take her side.

Roger shrugs. “We got to talking the other day, and I have the feeling she thought my questions were too personal.”

I pause, surveying him closely. There’s an odd note in his voice, one I haven’t heard before. For the first time it strikes me that Roger’s interest in Cora might not be entirely innocent. “What kind of questions?”

Roger laughs. “Nothing bad, I asked about her dreams and ambitions. I think she might be having a hard time with all this.” He says, gesturing around us. “Leaving her job and life in Moon Valley.”

A stab of guilt pierces me. Some sister I’ve been. I haven’t even checked in with Cora about how she’s doing. I’ve been so preoccupied with my own life and the war that I forgot that this transition won’t have been any easier for her. I make a note to talk to her as soon as possible – about fleeing and Roger’s interest. Still there’s no time for that now. There are dozens of wolves waiting to see us, and though I’m more than a little apprehensive about the sorrows and abuses to which I’m about to bear witness, I know my people deserve to have their stories heard. I have to be strong – I have to make my mate proud and do right by the pack, no matter what.

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: , Released: May, 20, 2023 Native Language: Spanish

Title: Sustituta accidental para el Alfa

Written by: Caroline Above Story


Después de luchar contra la infertilidad durante años y ser traicionada por su amante, Ella decide finalmente tener un bebé por su cuenta. Sin embargo, todo sale mal cuando queda inseminada con el esperma del intimidante multimillonario Dominic Sinclair. De repente, su vida da un vuelco cuando la confusión sale a la luz, ¡especialmente porque Sinclair no es cualquier multimillonario, es también un hombre lobo contendiendo por convertirse en el próximo Rey Alfa! No permitirá que cualquiera tenga a su cachorro, ¿podrá Ella convencerlo para que la deje estar en la vida de su hijo? ¿Y por qué siempre la mira como si ella fuera su próxima comida? No podría estar interesado en una humana, ¿o sí? You Can Also Read and another interesting novel


Ella "Lo siento, Ella", dice mi médico con suavidad. "Me temo que te quedan muy pocos óvulos viables. Francamente, normalmente veo estas cifras en mujeres diez o quince años mayores que tú." "¿Qué?", murmuro, sin dar crédito a lo que oigo. Llevo años intentando quedar embarazada. Sólo tengo 30 años, deberían sobrarme óvulos. "En términos de fertilidad, te queda muy poco tiempo", continúa. "Si quieres concebir, tienes que hacerlo antes de que empiece tu próximo ciclo." "¿Mi próximo ciclo?", repito, con la boca abierta por la sorpresa. Amo a los niños más que a nada y, aunque no sea la ambición de todo el mundo, no hay nada que desee más que ser madre. Tengo que llegar a casa y darle la noticia a mi novio, no hay un momento que perder. Llego a casa en un tiempo récord, entro por la puerta y abro la boca para llamar a Mike, pero me detengo en seco. Nada más entrar veo un par de zapatos de tacón y un bolso junto a la puerta, ni......

Último capítulo

Capítulo 1

Capítulo 1. Traicionar 288 Vales Ella “Lo siento, Ella”. Mi médico dice suavemente. “Me temo que te quedan muy pocos óvulos viables. Francamente, normalmente veo estos números en mujeres diez o quince años mayores que tú”. “¿Qué?” Murmuro, sin dar crédito a mis oídos. He estado tratando de quedar embarazada durante años. Solo tengo 30 años, debería quedarme muchos huevos .Read more....

Capítulo 2

Capítulo 2: Ser despedida Ella 288 (Vales Faltan seis días. Pienso, mirando fijamente la fecha marcada en mi calendario. Seis días hasta que descubra si mis sueños finalmente se harán realidad… o si tengo que pensar en un plan completamente diferente para mi vida....Read more....

Capítulo 3

288 Vales Ella Faltan tres días. Me repito estas palabras mientras camino por la calle, todavía preocupada por mi posible embarazo, incluso mientras me preparo para ir a batear por mi hermana. En cierto modo, es un mecanismo de supervivencia: estoy a punto de rogarle a Dominic Sinclair que salve el trabajo de Cora, y necesito un pensamiento reconfortante que me ayude a superar esto....Read more....

Capítulo 4

Capítulo 4 Desesperación Ella 288 Vales Me tiemblan las manos cuando marco el número de Kate. ¿Alguna vez he estado tan enojado? Si lo tengo, ciertamente no puedo recordarlo ahora: “¿Hola?” Kate responde casi de inmediato, usando un tono dulce y enfermizo que grita falsedad. “¿Kate?” digo sin rodeos. “¿Estás con Mike en este momento?” Hay una pausa embarazada al otro lado de la línea, antes de que responda débilmente, “¿Qué? Por supuesto que no.”......Read more....

Capítulo 5

Capítulo 5- Prueba de embarazo Ella “No, entiendo.” murmuro en el teléfono. “Gracias por escuchar al menos”. Cansadamente cuelgo la línea, enterrando mi cabeza en mis manos. Pasé toda la mañana pidiendo todos los favores y préstamos que pude, tirando mi dignidad por la ventana para rogar a mis amigos y conocidos en mi momento de necesidad. Nunca me había considerado una mujer orgullosa, pero mendigar de esta manera fue un desafío mayor de lo que podría haber imaginado....Read more....

Capítulo 6

Capítulo 6 Él es un hombre lobo Ella 288 Vales. – “¿Tu cachorro?” Repito, dándome cuenta de que debo sonar como un idiota por la forma en que sigo repitiéndolo, pero todo es demasiado extraño y surrealista. Siento que estoy teniendo un sueño, uno que puede o no ser una pesadilla. “¿De qué estás hablando?...Read more....

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story Read Online

Sustituta accidental para el Alfa por Caroline Above Story


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